Surveillance arrays for shallow water: Comparison of planar vs. line bottomed arrays
Acoustic noise measurement, Attenuation, Bandwidth, Detectors, Seawater, Signal processing, BeampatternsAbstract
A number of different array architectures, including horizontal and vertical line arrays and planar arrays, are currently being developed for shallow water applications. An objective of the work is to assess the performance of the different array architectures. To achieve this the arrays were tested during a sea trial (RDS-2) that took place in the Timor Sea in November 1998. This paper compares the broadband detection performance of two designs of array, a planar array (Octopus) and a Horizontal Linear Array (ULRICA HLA), at the RDS-2 site. Noise statistics and signal threshold levels presented here are obtained from ambient noise data. Significant differences in the dependence of threshold on azimuth are shown between the Octopus and ULRICA arrays and are attributed to the different geometries and hence beampatterns of the arrays. Signal data, obtained from a submerged sound source, are used in conjunction with the noise data to determine detection performance at a range of source levels. The results indicate that the detection performance of 16 element ULRICA and Octopus arrays is comparable at the RDS-2 site.Additional Files
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