Outdoor noise levels at Yildiz Technical University Istanbul, Turkey
Acoustic noise, Acoustic variables control, Societies and institutions, Standards, Isoline curves, Outdoor noise levelsAbstract
In this study, noise measurements for relevant 22 outdoor points and some indoor ambience for sensitive places such as kindergarten, classrooms, library and exhibition centre at the central campus area of Yildiz Technical University were made. A map developed evaluated hourly noise values obtained for 5 months. By using the map, noise control measures that have to be taken for subject area were determined. Measurements were performed in accordance with the Turkish Standards, by using HD 9019 Sound Level Meter. The map consisting from isoline curves of noise levels (Leq dBA) was developed by the Spherical Krigging method. The study showed that Barbaros Boulevard side of the area (front side of the University) generally has 78 dBA originated from traffic noise completely. Unfortunately, in front of the University there was much heavier traffic jam due to stops, crossroads and an overpass for vehicles. Therefore, higher noise isolines were obtained at the front of the University. This level noise is not adequate for an education purpose area. 76 per cent of the all campus are had higher noise levels than 55 dBA standard.Additional Files
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