Array element localization of a bottom moored hydrophone array
Acoustic receivers, Algorithms, Computer simulation, Hydrophones, Inverse problems, Linearization, Monte Carlo methods, Mooring, Parameter estimation, Sensors, Tracking (position), Underwater acoustics, Array element localization, Hydrophone array, Light bulbs, Matched beam processing, Sound source localization, Ultra light horizontal arrayAbstract
In ocean acoustics, rapidly deployable, autonomous, bottom moored hydrophone arrays allow for quick, cost effective deployment, but result in poor knowledge of sensor positions. Because advanced array processing techniques, such as Matched Beam Processing, are highly sensitive to errors in sensor location, an accurate assessment of hydrophone positions is necessary. This paper discusses array element localization (AEL) and its use in localizing the ULITE array, a horizontal array deployed in the Timor Sea during the 1998 RDS-2 trial. The ill-posed inverse problem of determining source (imploded light bulbs) and receiver positions from the relative arrival times of source transients is solved through regularized linearized inversion. The inversion solution fits the data to high precision and provides individual hydrophone position estimates that provide the smoothest array shape that is consistent with the acoustic data.Additional Files
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