On estimating sound power from a few single point measurements
Acoustic wave propagation, Error analysis, Functions, Image processing, Pressure measurement, Auto-correlation functions, Broad-band noise, Power spectral density (PSD)Abstract
The features of sound pressure measurements over reflective ground for compact source radiating broad-band noise, are described. The nature of a sound field generated by a broad-band source located above a reflecting surface, is also described. The mean-square sound is composed of three terms, of which two are from the direct and reflected waves and the third term describes the interaction of the two reflected wave fields. The autocorrelation function of the band-pass filtered signal can be approximated without a priori knowledge of the power spectral density (PSD). The estimated power is smaller than the actual power, if the auto-correlation function is negative. The test reveals that the sound power estimates exhibit bias errors irrespective of other random errors. It is observed that this derivation uses the method of images and treats the measurement by 1/3 octave band filters in a realistic manner.Additional Files
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