An environmental noise impact assessment and forecasting tool for military training activities
Acoustic noise, Acoustics, Interpolation, Mathematical models, Military applications, Ray tracing, Air turbulence, Impulse Noise Propagation Model (INPM), Parabolic Equations, Spectral source signalsAbstract
The features and applications of Impulse Noise Propagation Model (INPM) are discussed. The INPM is a noise forecasting tool. The software uses numerical estimation of the acoustic output for sources and interpolation of stored spectral source levels from a database to generate spectral source signals. The sound propagation module of software uses Parabolic Equation (PE) model that analyzes diffraction, air turbulence and sound interaction with the terrain. Ray tracing algorithm of the software is automatically invoked in place of PE for higher frequency. The INPM acoustic propagation module has the capability to output the complete sound level field in range and height along a radial from the source. The INPM has capability to lower noise impact on the environment by enabling informed planning and decision making.Additional Files
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