Acoustic cues and recognition accuracy in cross-cultural vocal expression of emotion
Acoustics, Behavioral research, Computer software, Formal languages, Acoustic cues, Cross-cultural vocal expression, Power Mac G4 computer, PsyScope X b46 softwareAbstract
Speech recognition accuracy was tested in cross-cultural vocal expression for emotional speech in familiar and unfamiliar languages spoken in English and translated in Mandarin and Dari. There were 120 utterances formed by the cross-classification of four native speakers of each language of two speaker genders in three languages and five emotions including, anger, fear, joy, sadness, and neutral. Each speaker recorded the sentence with intent to express each of the five emotions. A Power Mac G4 computer running PsyScope X b46 software was used for all stimuli presentation and data collection. The acoustic cues analyzed in this study were speech rate, fundamental frequency, proportion of pauses, proportion of jitter, first formant and intensity. The result indicated that English-speaking listeners displayed an in-group advantage in their emotional recognition for English speech compared to Mandarin and Dari.Additional Files
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