The transfer of L1 acoustic cues in the perception of L2 lexical stress


  • Qian Wang Department of Linguistics, University of Victoria, Canada
  • Tae-Jin Yoon Department of Linguistics, University of Victoria, Canada


A study was conducted to investigate the use of acoustic cues by Chinese learners of English in stress perception. The study included the stress judgment of synthesized disyllabic nonsense tokens and an oddity test using real English words from carrier sentences. The study also manipulated F0 difference on disyllabic nonsense words in 5 level, while the duration and intensity cues remained consistent on the syllables. Disyllabic words like Latmab, nizdit, and tetsep were developed during the study. The study also had two groups of participants to listen to the tokens and an experimental group of 68 CE. It was observed that the difference between CE and NE in stress perception caused by their reliance on acoustic cues. This experiment gave same results with Vietnamese learners and Japanese learners.

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How to Cite

Wang Q, Yoon T-J. The transfer of L1 acoustic cues in the perception of L2 lexical stress. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 2008 Sep. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];36(3):126-7. Available from:



Proceedings of the Acoustics Week in Canada