Assessing the field impact sound insulation provided by floor coverings in concrete condominium buildings
Acoustic waves, Apartment houses, Concrete blocks, Concrete slabs, Floors, Laws and legislation, Probability density function, Sound insulating materials, Construction professionals, Floor covering, Impact noise, Impact sound, Impact sound insulation, Noise isolation, Statistical approachAbstract
Several regulations and co-property acts allow condominium owners to install hard floor coverings provided that a minimum impact sound isolation rating is achieved. Many construction professionnls recommend such surfaces based on tests performed using the procedures described in ASTM E 492 or ASTM E 1007. During the present study, thirty-five bare concrete slabs with thicknesses ranging from 200 to 250 mm (8 to 10 in.) were randomly tested in different buildings in Montreal using the procedures outlined in ASTM E 1007. The large variations noted in the measured NISPLs and FIIC ratings suggest that the results of tests made in strict conformance with ASTM E 1007 are anecdotal and cannot be used by acousticians and construction professionals to predict the impact noise isolation provided by a floor covering installed on a "typical" 200 mm (8 in.) to 250 mm (10 in.) thick concrete slab. This paper presents the results of these measurements and proposes a statistical approach to predict the probability that a floor installed on a typical 200 to 250 mm thick concrete slab will achieve the noise isolation target set forth in the regulation, or in the co-property act (usually FIIC 55 in Canada and FIIC 50 in USA).Additional Files
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