Temporal dynamics of selective attention during dichotic listening
Amplitude modulated, Attention switching, Dichotic listening, Driving stimulus, Modulation frequencies, Neural process, Onset asynchrony, Selective attention, Temporal dynamics, Time course, University studentsAbstract
A study was conducted to construct the time courses of cortical source activity and investigate the neural processes driving stimulus selection during dichotic listening. Twelve healthy hearing university students participated in the study and listened to streams of dichotic sounds during whole head magnetoencephalographic (MEG) recordings. The stimuli were amplitude modulated (AM) tones of 600 ms duration presented in random to the left and right ear with stimulus onset asynchrony of 900-1100 ms. The modulation frequency of 40 Hz was infrequently changed to 20 Hz in both ears and listeners attended for the duration of a recording block of 7 minutes either to the left or right ear stimuli and responded to the targets in the attended ear with a right hand button press. A non-modulated filler tone was also presented opposite to the AM sound to reduce bottom-up effects of attention switching between ears.Additional Files
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