Inadequacy of wind turbine noise regulations and their application


  • John P. Harrison Physics Department, Queen's University, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, Canada


Engines, Wind power, Wind turbines, Better regulation, Draft regulations, Excess low frequency noise, New zealand, Noise predictions, Noise-making, Ontario, Shut down, Turbine noise, Wind speed, Wind turbine noise


The inadequacy of existing and new wind turbine noise regulations and their applications in Canada are discussed. Ontario and New Zealand are two jurisdictions that allow the limit of wind turbine noise to increase with an increase in wind speed, but the new draft regulations in Ontario disallow such concessions. The lack of better regulations has forced people living in surrounding areas of noise-making wind turbines. These people continue to suffer from these problems till the offending wind turbines are shut down. The remaining problems are concerned with the large intrusion of turbine noise above ambient and the characteristic swooshing sound of an operating turbine. Other significant problems are related to the excess low frequency noise due to turbine inflow and the neglect of uncertainty in noise prediction.

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How to Cite

Harrison JP. Inadequacy of wind turbine noise regulations and their application. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 2009 Sep. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];37(3):156-7. Available from:



Proceedings of the Acoustics Week in Canada