Age and neuropathies in vibration exposed manual workers
Automotive assemblies, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Hand-arm vibration, International consortium, Longitudinal data, Mechanoreceptors, Track measurement, VibrometryAbstract
The Hand-Arm Vibration International Consortium conducted a study that provided longitudinal data on symptoms and on some electrophysiological and psychological measurements in four vibration exposed cohorts. The cohorts included shipyard workers, automotive assembly workers, forest workers, and dental hygienists. Investigations revealed the prevalence of entrapment neuropathy, including carpal tunnel syndrome that was associated with age. Baseline and follow-up questionnaires and structured physical examinations were administered to all the participants in the study. Vibrometry was performed so that mechanoreceptor function was assessed independently of nerve conduction. Fractionated nerve conduction was also performed providing comparisons of SNCV in the digits with cross-wrist and longer track measurements.Additional Files
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