Follow-up study of vascular and sensory functions in vibration-exposed shipyard workers
Data reduction, Shipyards, Surveys, Follow-up Studies, In-control, International standards, Laboratory methods, Perception thresholds, Sensory functions, Transition model, Up-and-down method, Vibrotactile perception thresholdAbstract
Vibration induced vascular and sensory dysfunctions in shipyard workers who operated vibratory tools was investigated. A cohort of 63 vibration-exposed shipyard workers was investigated by means of a medical interview, physical examination, and laboratory methods for assessing peripheral vascular and sensory functions. Vibrotactile perception thresholds (VPT) were measured at the fingertips of digit II and digit V of both hands using the up-and-down method of limits according to the recommendations of international standard ISO 1309 1-1 (2001). At the initial survey, the mean (SD) age of the 50 surveyed workers was 37.5 (10.5) yr, BMI averaged 26.6 (3.8) kg.m-2. After adjustment for several confounders, data analysis with a random-effects transition model showed that the changes over time in control finger and thermal perception thresholds are significantly related to either A(8) or the follow-up time.Additional Files
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