Effect of work rest schedule on perceived discomfort score and thermal threshold shift of operators using hand-held vibrating machines
Drilling operation, Low level, Rest periods, Similar pattern, Threshold shifts, Vibrating machines, Visual analog scale, Visual analogue scale, Work outputAbstract
A work-rest schedule for optimum work output in a hypothetical drilling operation is identified by assessing operator discomfort and thermal threshold shifts (TTS) in the fingertips under conditions of variable work-rest conditions. A perceived discomfort score was recorded on visual analog scale and the Visual Analogue Scale was labeled as 0 discomfort, 5 for moderate discomfort, and 10 for extreme discomfort. The results of the study showed similar patterns for perceived discomfort score and TTS. The results also show that the rest duration of 20 minutes is not sufficient to recover fully and perform the next work. A low level of discomfort and thermal TTS are observed when the drilling task is performed for one minute duration with a rest period of three minutes.Additional Files
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