Glove use and education in workers with hand-arm vibration syndrome
Education, Industrial hygiene, Machine vibrations, Occupational diseases, Hand-arm vibration syndrome, Health and safety, Occupational health and safety, Ontario, Protective gloves, Self-administered questionnaire, Toronto, Workplace exposureAbstract
The current education practices related to glove use and the relationship between glove use education and glove use compliance are described. A self-administered questionnaire was developed exploring participant demographics, workplace characteristics, workplace exposures, protective glove characteristics, glove use compliance, provision of glove use education, and glove supply characteristics. Participants included consecutive patients presenting to SMHOEHC in Toronto, Ontario for investigation of HAVS. Eighty-eight percent reported the presence of a workplace joint health and safety committee, 87% reported receiving occupational health and safety training, and 97% reported receiving Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) training. The barriers workers reported to glove compliance included discomfort and difficulty using the gloves because of restraint and bulkiness.Additional Files
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