Acoustic simulations of worship spaces
Architectural acoustics, Computer simulation, Floors, Reverberation, Walls (structural partitions), Acoustic parameters, Acoustic simulations, Building surface, Descriptors, Measured data, Reverberation time, Speech transmission index, Standard guidelines, Wooden doorAbstract
Acoustic simulations of religious facilities need to focus on specific acoustic parameters, due to the different aural expectations of the congregations. The calibration of the model was undertaken by comparing the results of the simulation and the measured data. Two main acoustical descriptors were used for the evaluations of the new sanctuary: Reverberation Time, RT and Speech Transmission Index, STI Standard guidelines used for reverberation times were also applied in this investigation. The floor is carpeted, the furnishings are finished plaster for the walls and the ceiling and a number of large stained glass windows. The seating is wooden pews with cushions. The current building surfaces are painted concrete for the floor, drywall construction for the ceiling and walls with wooden doors and one window.Additional Files
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