Implementation of remote noise and vibration monitoring system at the panynj world trade center
Monitoring, Office buildings, Portals, Vibration measurement, Cellular technologies, Cellular-data transmission, Data portal, Noise and vibration, Source level, Special processing, Triaxial geophone, Vibration monitoring, World Trade CenterAbstract
The article introduces the noise and vibration monitoring system, generally describes the operation and features of the system and accompanying website and discusses challenges as well as lessons learned while commencing this large-scale data portal. PCA chose the Instantel Series IV Advanced Vibration Monitor for remote vibration monitoring at the WTC site. The system includes the vibration monitor, a triaxial geophone and battery-power supplies as well as a serial 3G modem to allow cellular data transmission. The noise and vibration monitoring system documents source levels and remotely transmits data in real-time to a project-specific server, via cellular technology. The off-site server is located within the PCA office. Data modules were written to provide specific processing and data intake routines to interpret data generated by the WTC on-site noise and vibration monitoring system. Within each created module, routines were added to sense and detect any conditions that warrant alerts or special processing.Additional Files
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