A physically-Informed audio analysis framework for the identification of plucking gestures on the classical guitar
Dielectric waveguides, Least squares approximations, Audio analysis, Classical guitar, Digital waveguides, Fundamental frequencies, Global analysis, Initial phasis, k-Modes, Least squares methods, Linear phase, MultibandAbstract
A physically-informed audio analysis framework for the identification of plucking gestures on the classical guitar is presented. The Digital Waveguide (DW) paradigm is used to devise a model for the vibration of one guitar string that takes into account the AOR. The first step in the analysis chain is to pre-process the sound. Then, the signal is segmented to isolate plucks, and select the portion of the sound to analyze. In a global analysis step, the fundamental frequency is estimated on the audio segment. The amplitudes and initial phases of the poles are estimated via the least squares method. To avoid numerical issues, a multi-band approach is adopted along with decimation. In other words, ESPRIT looks for K modes around each partial. The partials are isolated using a linear phase FIR band pass filter, and the resulting signal is then decimated.Additional Files
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