Lost in translation: A study of musical language and engineering design
Reverberation, Engineering design, Large band, Objective metrics, Receiver positions, Small rooms, Source positionAbstract
A study of musical language and engineering design was undertaken to translate the subjective metrics to the objective metrics needed to proceed with the design of a treatment regime. A project was considered in which a room that has been re-purposed for musical rehearsal is assessed and a treatment regime is designed. The reverberation measurements were taken from 5 source positions per each of 6 receiver positions at 3 decays each. Muddiness can be interpreted as the excess reverberation of the frequencies below 500 Hz when compared to those above 500 Hz. One interpretation is that the loudness or strength of sound in the room depends on the strength of the early sound, and the strength of the reverberant sound. It was also found that the loudness was a result of a large band, in a small room.Additional Files
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