Human cochlear maps
Basilar membranes, Helical channels, High frequency, Outer hair cell, Temporal bone, Traveling waveAbstract
The human cochlear maps, a liquid-filled helical channel in the temporal bone, are studied. An unrolled profile of that channel is considered and modified human cochlear maps axe reproduced. It is found that at high frequency and low sound-pressure level (SPL), the active basilar-membrane (BM) oscillation velocity peak can be much higher and sharper than the just described passive peak. The maximal power that healthy outer hair cells (OHC) can feed into cochlear traveling waves is so small that its influence on the place of maximal BM oscillation velocity is negligible at SPL ? 100dB, which is above 100 dB the BM oscillation velocity peak is close to the passive peak even in a healthy cochlea. The results also show that the IOC resonator enables the outer hair cells to feed energy into cochlear traveling waves and thus to give rise to the active BM oscillation velocity peak.Additional Files
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