Age-Friendly Communities Principles and Initiatives
In Canada, as in many countries around the world, the proportion of older adults is increasing. In addition, more people of all ages are living in cities. The Age-Friendly Cities concept was spearheaded by the World Health Organization (WHO) in response to these two major world-wide trends of global aging and urbanization. The underlying premise of age-friendly cities is that they foster the health, security, and social participation of older adults, or what the WHO refers to as 'active aging.' In 2007, the WHO launched the "Global Age-Friendly Cities: A guide" which identified core age-friendly city features. As a follow-up, Canada launched the "Age-Friendly Rural and Remote Communities: A guide" which provided a framework for understanding some of the issues faced bv the smaller communities characteristic of Canada and other parts of the world. Along with several other provinces within Canada, Manitoba has embraced the concept of creating age-friendly communities and is recognized as a global leader in the initiative. This presentation will provide a background on the Age-Friendly Cities initiative and on creating age-friendly environments. Particular attention will be paid to the process of creating age-friendly communities in Manitoba and possible ways that the physical and social environment can intersect with issues of hearing, communication, and social participation of older adults.Additional Files
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