Traffic and Industrial Vibrations and A Snake Hibernaculum


  • Richard Patching Patching Associates Acoustical Engineering Ltd
  • Leslie Noble McCleave Patching Associates Acoustical Engineering Ltd
  • Adrian Radulescu Patching Associates Acoustical Engineering Ltd


Anecdotal evidence suggests that hibernating snakes can be disturbed or even awoken by ground vibrations, and if they emerge in winter, this can be fatal.  A concern was raised about vibrations from a pile-driving operation some 350 metres from a garter-snake hibernaculum.  Preliminary measurements in winter showed that vibrations from traffic may be more of an issue than the pile-driving, and additional measurements were taken near the existing hibernaculum, which is located within 30 metres of a secondary highway.  These readings may indicate levels which are acceptable to the snakes.


Author Biography

Richard Patching, Patching Associates Acoustical Engineering Ltd

President Emeritus, P.Eng. INCE Board Certified, M.Eng.817846

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How to Cite

Patching R, McCleave LN, Radulescu A. Traffic and Industrial Vibrations and A Snake Hibernaculum. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 2015 Sep. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 9];43(3). Available from:



Proceedings of the Acoustics Week in Canada