Traffic noise propagation through four Vancouver laneways
The acoustical environment of Vancouver's laneway housing is compromised by increasing road noise, laneway attributes and small building characteristics. Sound propagation through four different Vancouver laneways was investigated by empirical measurements, Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) algorithms and Odeon software. Based on the laneways' varying form and surface reflectivity, sound decayed at different rates relative to degree of open space and vegetation.
Measured point source decay rate (difference dBA/doubling distance) of the country lane was two times that of the new-development lane; measured point source level in the commercial lane at 160m was 17dBA higher than that in the country lane. Odeon modelling showed comparable trends. Accuracy of the modelling tools require specific application improvements.
Keywords: laneway acoustics,urban canyon, small building, sound propagation, urban noise, Odeon, CMHC, road traffic noise
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