Noise Regulation at the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change


  • Tom Shevlin Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
  • Pierre Godbout Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change


noise regulation, Environmental Compliance Approvals, ECA, REA, NPC-300



Provincial regulation of noise and vibration in Ontario is carried out by a small and diverse group of engineers working for the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, in the Environmental Approvals Branch. Their primary activity is the review of the noise aspects of Air and Noise ECAs (Environmental Compliance Approvals) for industrial installations. Several noise engineers are also dedicated to the REA (Renewable Energy Approval) process, primarily related to wind and solar farms. Additional duties include review of Environmental Assessments, investigation of noise complaints, testifying at hearings, and clarification of the provincial noise guidelines, especially as used by some municipalities. Although dealing with noise issues around land use approvals was transferred to the municipalities over 10 years ago, the noise engineers stepped up when the Ministry received a request from three levels of government to become involved in the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization effort and were successful in resolving a serious noise-based conflict between developers and a significant industry. Since the Ministry does not have a separate agency for formulating noise policy, such as exists for air contaminants, the noise engineers also play a large role in implementing policy changes. Recently the noise group, in coordination with the noise consulting community, the development sector, municipalities and private citizens, completed the first major revision of the MOECC’s noise guidelines in 20 years.

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How to Cite

Shevlin T, Godbout P. Noise Regulation at the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 2016 May 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];44(2):44-5. Available from:



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