Using CSA Standard Z107.56 to Investigate Noise Exposure of Call Center Employees
The noise exposure of call center employees was measured and compared with criteria in B.C. Reg. 30/2015, following the guidelines of CSA Standard Z107.56 Procedures for the Measurement of Occupational Noise Exposure, as required by B.C. Reg. 30/2015. The background noise level in the call center was measured for the duration of a typical workday using a sound level meter. The noise contribution of the call center employees’ headsets were measured during simulated calls using a Head and Torso Simulator (HATS) manikin. Calls were made which replicated varying tones of the customer’s voice (i.e. calm, medium, or elevated) and surroundings (i.e. in a quiet office or near a busy road), which impacted the customer’s background noise and voice level. As the B.C. Reg. 30/2015 noise criterion of 85 dBA is for diffuse field sound pressure levels, the measured call sound level data were processed following the CSA Z107.56 recommended procedure for converting the measured manikin ear drum sound pressure levels into diffuse field equivalent sound pressure levels. The noise exposure of an employee over a typical 8 hour shift was calculated by assuming a certain percentage of calls with each of the customer tones and surroundings, and correcting the diffuse field equivalent sound pressure levels with a time-weighting correction. The standard does not provide guidance on correcting ear drum to diffuse field levels for peak sound levels for comparison to the 140 dBC peak criterion, and the sound level meter was unable to provide third octave band peak levels.Additional Files
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