Modelling Applied to Environmental Acoustics


  • H. W. Jones Physics Department, University of Calgary
  • P. J. Vermeulen MechanicaI Engineering Department, University of Calgary


This paper outlines a literature review which has been conducted; the review indicates that modelling probably will be a useful and successful technique. The application of scaling laws to the problem have been reviewed and commented on. The need for a thorough and careful approach to the problem in which all the material properties are measured and in which a controlled sound source is employed appears to be indicated. The development of a well-controlled high frequency source is described, together with some description of the first measurements of material properties. Experience to date indicates that modelling should provide a low cost method for obtaining solutions to propagation problems.

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How to Cite

Jones HW, Vermeulen PJ. Modelling Applied to Environmental Acoustics. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 1976 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 26];4(1):25-34. Available from:



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