Acoustic control of the mixing processes in a gas turbine combustor
acoustic applications, chemical variables control, gas turbines, acoustic control, air mixing, gas turbine combustor, dilution-air jet mixing, exit plane temperature distribution, toroidal vortices, pressure loss, combustion efficiency, acoustic driveAbstract
The air mixing processes in a gas turbine combustor control the lifetime of the turbine via the combustor exit plane temperature distribution, as well as the efficient burning of the fuel. Consequently an original technique has been developed to acoustically control the dilution-air jet mixing processes which govern the exit plane temperature distribution. This has resulted in a small combustor of normal design, employing the technique, being successfully tested up to the `half-load' condition. The ability to selectively and progressively control the temperature pattern was convincingly demonstrated. Acoustic driver power requirements were minimal. The pulsed dilution-jet flows develop toroidal vortices and improved mixing is indicated. The pressure loss, the overall combustion efficiency and other combustor performance factors were insignificantly affected by the acoustic drive. The study contributes to the design of combustors such that control may be exercised over the air jet mixing processesAdditional Files
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