A Proposal for Sound Testing Prior to Occupancy of Multi-Family Dwellings
The STC (Sound Transmission Class) of a construction does not include the adverse effects of "flanking transmission." Less confusion would exist if building codes referred to the NIC (Noise Isolation Class). NIC tests are less time-consuming and less expensive. Samplings of completed constructions should be field tested, prior to occupancy of multi-family dwellings, to measure overall acoustic privacy. If test results indicate that the minimum NIC rating has not been met, remedial steps should be taken. Measurements obtained should be filed at building inspectors' offices, and available for public scrutiny. Impact noise can be measured in the field according to existing IIC (Impact Isolation Class) standards, using readily available equipment. Any occupant whose unit has not been field tested should have the right to require a field test of his unit. If the unit is acceptable, the cost of the test is his responsibility, otherwise, the building owner must pay for it and improve construction.Additional Files
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