Simulation of the orifice gauge line effect in pulsating flow
pipe flow, pulsatile flow, turbulence, vibrations, orifice gauge line effect, pulsating flow, pressure pulsations, gauge line response, lumped parameter model, plane wave model, turbulent regime, damping coefficientsAbstract
The gauge line response to pressure pulsations at the orifice plate taps distorts pressure signals and affects the pressure difference applied to the diaphragm of a differential transmitter. This response depends on gauge line length L, volume Vo of the transmitter chamber, pulsation frequency f, and amplitude |Pp|. Distortion of the pressure difference (?p=pp1-pp2) by the gauge line obviously affects accuracy of flow rate metering. In order to eliminate significant errors, the gauge line response was simulated with lumped parameter model and plane wave model. Connectors on the gauge line, however, constitute abrupt variation of the inside diameter, affecting propagation and attenuation of the disturbances. Moreover with high velocity amplitudes a turbulent regime occurs. These factors preclude pure theoretical description of the gauge line response and make some empirical contribution necessary. Utilizing experimental results damping coefficients were determined for two models with various gauge line length, chamber volume, pulsation frequency, and amplitude. The oscillating pressure difference across the orifice plate was simulated and compared with the monitored oneAdditional Files
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