A nonlinear analysis for clean and noisy speech
speech analysis and processing, speech recognition, speech demodulation, nonlinear analysis, speech analysis, speech processing, speech coding, speaker-independent recognition, nonlinear operators, perceptive knowledgeAbstract
The research in speech analysis is recognized to be an important aspect in the area of speech processing, with applications in speech coding, speech recognition, etc. Depending on the application, the speech analyzer has to extract the most appropriate parameters. The authors focus on the problem of speech analysis with possible applications in speech recognition. It is known that speaker-independent recognition of continuous speech is a very complicated task which has not yet been fully mastered. The better the quality of the analysis, the easier it becomes to recognize what has been spoken. The automatic `demodulation' of speech with nonlinear operators, based on perceptive knowledge is a problem which has not yet been fully addressed, and speech `demodulation' might assist the researcher in the understanding of speech and/or in the design of a simple and efficient speech analysisAdditional Files
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