Optimal use of polymetric materials in vibrating beam systems with the consideration of temperature and frequency effects
vibrations, vibrating beam systems, vibration damping, damping materials, viscoelastic properties, mechanical characteristics, maintenance facilities, partial damping coverage, damping performanceAbstract
Sound and vibration damping plays a critical role in numerous aspects of engineering and is increasingly addressed by legislation as well. The most commonly used damping materials are polymetric whose viscoelastic properties change a lot with temperature and working frequency. Surprisingly enough, this last point, which constitutes the main interest for chemists, has not received enough attention from researchers and engineers designing better damped structures. Quite often, the mechanical characteristics of these materials are considered to be constant. Another important problem to be tackled is the optimal use of these materials. In fact, numerous practical restrictions such as weight, cost and maintenance facilities demand that the structures be damped with partial damping coverage. The question is how to get reasonable damping performance without adding too much weight to the structuresAdditional Files
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