Rapid calculation of propagation path information by application of the method of images
acoustic wave propagation, error analysis, oceanography, underwater sound, propagation path, method of images, underwater acoustics, acoustic path, propagation path lengths, time differences, uniformly sloping ocean, error, steep-angle propagationAbstract
Many problems in underwater acoustics require rapid computation of acoustic path information. Inversions that employ simulated annealing and Monte Carlo minimization techniques may require the computation of millions of acoustic paths for application to a problem. This paper describes the application of the method of images for rapidly computing propagation path lengths, time differences, and other path details between an acoustic source and a receiving hydrophone in a uniformly sloping ocean environment. The problem is kept simple by considering only a constant sound-speed profile. This assumption limits the applicability of the method. To test the accuracy of the method, expressions for the error are developed for a particular environment that represents a severe case. The constant-sound-speed calculations are shown to result in sufficient accuracy that they may be applied to short-range, steep-angle propagation problemsAdditional Files
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