Measuring the effects of turbulence


  • D.I. Havelock Inst. for Microstructural Sci., Nat. Res. Council, Ottawa, Ont., Canada


acoustic variables measurement, acoustic wave propagation, atmospheric acoustics, atmospheric techniques, atmospheric turbulence, acoustic theory, numeric modelling, field measurements, effective propagation codes, sound field, turbulence change, spatial coherence, refractive shadow region


Turbulence plays an important role in determining the characteristics of sound propagating through the atmosphere. Only recently have acoustic theory, numeric modelling, and field measurements provided consistent values of SPL in the presence of turbulence. With the recent and rapid development of effective propagation codes there is an increasing need for reliable and comprehensive field data against which to validate the codes and gain a better understanding of the effects of turbulence. A large array of microphones was developed to investigate the effects of turbulence on a sound field. A large array is required because simultaneous measurements must be gathered over a large area to characterize the sound field before the parameters of the non-stationary turbulence change. The array is discussed and measurements of spatial coherence within a refractive shadow region are presented as a representative example of the effects of turbulence being measured

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How to Cite

Havelock D. Measuring the effects of turbulence. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 1994 Sep. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 7];22(3):127-8. Available from:



Proceedings of the Acoustics Week in Canada