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Gabriel, Christoph
Gabriele, Christine
Gaelen-Haumont, G.
Gaffney, Inez M.
Gagné, Charles, Dept of Noise Control, Ville Marie Burough of Montreal, 800 Maisonneuve blvd, Montréal, QC H2L 4L8, Canada
Gagné, Jean-Pierre, Ecl. d'Orthophonie et d'Audiologie, Université de Montréal, succ. Centre-ville, Montréal, Qué. H3C 3J7
Gagne, Jean-Pierre, Ecl. d'Orthophonie et d'Audiologie, Faculte de Medecine, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Que. H3C 3J7, Canada
Gagné, Jean-Pierre, École d'orthophonie et d'audiologie Université de Montréal
Gagné, Richard, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, CA
Galembo, A., Queen's Univ, Kingston, Canada
Galindo, Marta, Natl Research Council, Ottawa, Canada
Gallant, Donald P., Herrick Labs, 140 S Martin Jischke Drive, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 479
Gallant, Kristen
Gallerand, Lucie, École de technologie supérieure de Montréal (ÉTS), CA
Gallichan, Marie-Claude, Universite d'Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
Gallivan, William, Univ of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
Gallun, Frederick, National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research, Portland VA Medical Center, 3710 SW US Veterans' Hospital Road, Portland, OR 97239, United States
Gamache, Line, Min. Des Transports du Québec, Dir. Île-de-Montréal, 440, Rene-Levesque ouest, Montréal, Qué. H2Z 2A6
Gambino, A., Barman Swallow Associates, Rexdale, Ont., Canada
Gambino, Tony, Aercoustics Engineering Ltd., 50 Ronson Drive, Toronto, Ont. M9W 1B3, Canada
Gambino, Vince, Aercoustics Engineering Limited, 50 Ronson Drive, Toronto, Ont. M9W 1B3, Canada
Gambino, Vince, Aercoustics Engineering Ltd., 50 Ronson Drive, Toronto, Ont. M9W 1B3, Canada
Gammal, Joseph, Dept. of Systems Engineering, Carleton University, Colonel By Dr., Ottawa, K1S 5B6, Canada
Gammon, Mark A., DRDC Atlantic Research Centre
Gamroth, Emmett, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada

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