Amendment to part IV (aircraft noise) of transport Canada's guidelines `Land use in the vicinity of airports'


  • Thomas Kelly Transport Canada Aviation, Ottawa, Canada


Airports, Codes (standards), Decision making, Land use, Regional planning, Zoning, Aircraft noise


In May 1996, Transport Canada (TC) issued an amendment to Part IV (Aircraft Noise) of its TP 1247 guidelines entitled `Land Use in the Vicinity of Airports'. TP 1247 is published by TC to familiarize planners and legislators with the operational characteristics of airports which may influence land use outside the airport property boundary. Its purpose is to recommend, where applicable, guidelines to ensure that land use is compatible with airport operations. Land zoning is a provincial responsibility which is delegated to local authorities. Consequently, local planning authorities are not bound by TP 1247. This paper will describe this amendment which clarifies TC's opposition to the construction of new residential development between Noise Exposure Forecast (NEF) 30 and 35. TC has clarified the Land Use Table and the text of Part IV of TP 1247 to recommend that construction of new residential development between NEF 30 and 35 not be undertaken and has emphasized the decision making role of local authorities. In 1992, TC commissioned the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) to assess the validity of the NEF measure and the results of the NRC study support this amendment. This clarification will help protect both the public and airports without making TP 1247 overly restrictive.

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How to Cite

Kelly T. Amendment to part IV (aircraft noise) of transport Canada’s guidelines `Land use in the vicinity of airports’. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 1997 Mar. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 20];25(1):19-22. Available from:



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