Effect of traffic characteristics and road geometric parameters on developed traffic noise levels
Acoustic noise measurement, Data acquisition, Pavements, Radar, Roads and streets, Rural areas, Urban planning, British pedulum, Pavement surface texture, Traffic noise levels, Traffic volumeAbstract
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the major factors affecting traffic noise levels at signalized intersections. To achieve this objective, traffic noise levels and the factors expected to affect it were measured at 40 signalized intersections. Equivalent, maximum, and minimum noise levels were measured during one minute interval including the green time interval. The traffic volume and composition was taped using a video camera, while the traffic speed was measured using speed radar. The geometric parameters of the intersections approaches, including number and width of driving lanes, approaches width and slope, were collected. Also, pavement surface texture was evaluated using the British pedulum. The collected data was analyzed to evaluate the effect of the main factors controlling traffic noise levels. Results of the analysis indicated that equivalent noise levels are mainly dependent on traffic volume, while the maximum noise levels were found to be dependent on the number of heavy vehicles passing through the intersection and horn effect. On the other hand, the minimum noise levels were mainly dependent on pavement surface texture. When noise levels at different distances from the signal stop line were considered, traffic speed was found to have a significant effect on equivalent noise levels.Additional Files
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