Aural examinations in the work environment in the Monteregie region: Evaluation of targeted objectives
Audition, Housing, Job analysis, Occupational diseases, Patient rehabilitation, Public policy, Research and development management, Societies and institutions, Occupational health sector, Occupational hearing, Rehabilitation services, WorkersAbstract
Following a restructuring of the occupational health sector in the Monte´re´gie region, new guidelines were proposed for screening measures of occupational hearing loss and were adopted in 1993 by the Regroupement des me´decins en sante´ au travail. After many years of implementation, it was judged necessary to evaluate the established protocol by focusing more specifically on follow-up examinations of a sub-group of workers meeting the criteria defined within these guidelines. The first issue addressed by this evaluation refers to the accomplishment of goals set forth regarding follow-up examinations, which consist of identifying workers susceptible of benefiting from rehabilitation services or workers' compensation. The second point of interest relates to the progression of hearing loss in workers excluded from follow-up examinations. In other words, the evaluation seeks to determine if current practices can reach the entire population of workers susceptible of demonstrating rehabilitation needs or benefiting from workers' compensation. Finally, the new guide defining the screening measures of occupational hearing loss is presented. Founded on the results of this evaluation, the guide was adopted in February 2004 by the Regroupement des me´decins en sante´ au travail de la Monte´re´gie.Additional Files
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