Acoustic performance considerations for a 'Once Through Steam Generator' (OTSG)


  • Vince Gambino Aercoustics Engineering Limited, 50 Ronson Drive, Toronto, Ont. M9W 1B3, Canada
  • Payam Ashtiani Aercoustics Engineering Limited, 50 Ronson Drive, Toronto, Ont. M9W 1B3, Canada


Acoustic noise, Flow of gases, Gas turbines, Turbogenerators, Exhaust stream, Humidification, Tube bundles


An Once Through Steam Generators (OTSG) can attenuate gas turbine exhaust noise, and the parameters governing the acoustic performance of an OTSG under both steam generating and dry ruling conditions are discussed. OTSG are used by electricity power plants and a host of other industrial and/or commercial centers to recover the heat from a gas turbine exhaust stream. The OTSG works by passing the hot exhaust over tube bundles. The steam can then be either fed into a steam turbine generator to obtain electricity, or used for heating and humidification in a variety of applications. Gas flow from the exhaust stream of the gas turbine generators can reach or at times exceed flow velocities at the OTSG inlet. The insertion of environmental control stages and tube bundles inherently causes turbulence in the flow and can further augment flow induced noise and vibration, which can also give rise to fatigue damage.

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How to Cite

Gambino V, Ashtiani P. Acoustic performance considerations for a ’Once Through Steam Generator’ (OTSG). Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 2007 Sep. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 1];35(3):34-5. Available from:



Proceedings of the Acoustics Week in Canada