Whale cocktail party: Real-time multiple tracking and signal analyses
Boolean functions, Electroacoustic transducers, Mammals, Signal analysis, Signal processing, Acoustic methods, Bottom-mounted hydrophones, Marine mammals, Multiple tracking, Omni-directionalAbstract
This paper provides a real-time passive acoustic method to track multiple vocalizing whales using four or more omni-directional widely-spaced bottom-mounted hydrophones. Since the interest in marine mammals has increased, robust and real-time systems are required. To meet these demands, a real-time tracking algorithm was developed. After non-parametric Teager-Kaiser-Mallat signal filtering, rough Time Delays Of Arrival are calculated, selected and filtered, and used to estimate the positions of whales for a constant, linear or estimated sound speed profile. The complete algorithm is tested on real data from NUWC1 and AUTEC2. Our model is validated by similar results from the US Navy3 and SOEST4 University of Hawaii Laboratory in the case of one whale, and by similar results from the Columbia University ROSA5 Laboratory for the case of multiple whales. At this time, our tracking method is the only one which provides typical speed and depth estimates for multiple vocalizing whales.Additional Files
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