Sound transmission loss of extensive green roofs - Field test results
Acoustic wave transmission, Architectural acoustics, Domes, Electric lines, Electromagnetic waves, Light weight structures, Thermoluminescence, Acoustical features, Aircraft flight paths, Damping effects, Empirical findings, Field tests, Frequency ranges, Green roofs, Mass loadings, Moisture contents, Potential contributions, Potential effects, Residential, Roof decks, Roof systems, Sound energies, Sound transmission losses, Sound transmissions, Transmission lossesAbstract
A study was conducted to review the acoustical features and the potential contributions of green roofs to the acoustical environment, to investigate sound transmission theory, and to report on new empirical findings on the transmission loss of green roofs. The results of the study shows that existing sound transmission algorithms do not adequately predict TL of light-weight roof system or green roofs, nor describe the potential effect of moisture content of the substrate. The sound energy is dissipated in the substrate and provides a mass loading and damping effect on to the light-weight roof deck. The study also suggested that green roofs will provide a higher TL than the additional ceiling element and improve TL throughout the full architectural frequency range, specifically desirable in residential and institutional occupancies that are developed below aircraft flight paths.Additional Files
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