Joint Standards meeting - 2010 - Minutes
Architectural acoustics, Audition, Acoustical standards, Building acoustics, CSA Technical Committee, Hearing conservation, Impact sound insulation, Occupational hearing, Test standardsAbstract
The second joint meeting of the CSA Technical Committee on Occupational Hearing Conservation S304 and the CAA Acoustical Standards Committee was held at Laurel Point Inn, Victoria BC, 5:00-10:00 PM, October 13, 2010. The CAALL-OSH committee, representing OHS regulators from all jurisdictions across Canada, will fund CSA Z 1007, Hearing Conservation Management Standard. A report, Building Acoustics, by David Quirt, presented an overview of immediate suggestions for Z107-10, and updates on key standardization activity in ISO/TC43/SC2 and ASTM E33. TC43JSC2/WG 18/AHG3 is dealing with restructuring of the ISO 140 series of laboratory standards for airborne and impact sound insulation, to facilitate their use as the basis for product test standards and eliminate current inconsistencies among the parts.Additional Files
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