Frequency weighting of hand-transmitted vibration for evaluating comfort
Experiments, Machine vibrations, Power amplifiers, Signal processing, Comfort evaluation, Hand-arm vibration, Hand-transmitted vibration, Judgment method, Mean ages, Signal processing unit, Vertical vibrationsAbstract
A suitable frequency-weighting curve for comfort evaluation with regard to hand-arm vibration using the category judgment method was established. A shaker with a power amplifier and signal processing unit were used in the experiments. The subjects were exposed to vertical vibrations before being asked to choose a numerical category to indicate their best perceived level of comfort during each stimulus. The experiments were preformed with twelve healthy non-smoker subjects, six males and six females, with mean ages of 23.2 and 24.5 years, respectively. The results show that the category judgment method establishes the relationship between the frequency-weighted r.m.s acceleration according to the frequency weighting curves. From the results for r.m.s. errors it is found that the most suitable frequency-weighting curves for evaluating hand-arm vibration comfort are WhH-b, Wh, and WhP-W.Additional Files
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