Sound transmission loss improvement by a viscoelastic material used in a constrained layer damping system
Viscoelasticity, Acoustic power, Constrained layer dampers, Constrained layer damping systems, High frequency, Loss factor, Modal density, Parallel plates, Resonant mode, Sound transmission loss, Total loss, Transmission loss, Vibration energies, Visco-elastic materialAbstract
A constrained layer damper is a viscoelastic material that is embedded between two parallel plates. The vibration energy in the first leaf creates shear strain in the viscoelastic material which dissipates kinetic energy into heat. A CLD is an effective way to maximize transmission loss through a partition by increasing its damping. SEA is a method for estimating the acoustic power flow through a system. The method subdivides the system into smaller elements, the so-called subsystems, that support a group of resonant modes and have a sufficient modal density and modal overlap. The measurement of the loss factors on the wall specimens with and without the viscoelastic material was done as part of a parallel paper by J.G. Richter. The reverberation method was used to measure the total loss factors on one side of the installed wall. The addition of a viscoelastic material between the leaves improves the TL significantly by more than 10 dB in the mid- and high frequency range increasing the STC rating by 8 points from 44 to 52.Additional Files
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