Analysis and control of bridge expansion joint croaking noise
Debris, Geotextiles, Bridge expansion joints, Expansion and contraction, Large Bridges, Long-term solutions, Neoprene rubber, Seismic event, Tire-pavement interactionAbstract
Large bridges require expansion joints to accommodate thermal expansion and contraction as well as movements induced by seismic events. Virtually all expansion joints create additional noise over and above that due to normal tire-pavement interaction. Researchers in Japan investigated modular expansion joint noise and created a full-size replica of a modular expansion joint in a test compound. They postulated that the croaking noise was created when pulses of air are injected into the joint cavities by tires rolling over the gaps between lamella beams. To provide a long-term solution to the joint noise issue, the joint cavities were first filled with geotextile material and then 'capped' with strips of 6 mm thick solid neoprene rubber, The caps, which were bonded to the flanges of the lamella beams keep the geotextile material in place and exclude water and debris from the joint.Additional Files
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