To reduce or not to reduce: Evidence from sencoten storytelling
Data sets, GlottalizationAbstract
A preliminarily investigation of reduction in the speech of a single fluent SENC´OTEN speaker is reported. The dataset for the study consisted of 130 words extracted from a SENC´OTEN story told by a fluent speaker, recorded in the 1970s. All SENC´OTEN were first transcribed based on auditory analysis, to determine to what extent they were reduced. It is interesting to note that while the seven repetitions seem to reduce to varying degrees, none of them reduce to the extent that they lose the glottal stop entirely. Based on the finding, subset of sequences were analyzed in terms of duration, vowel quality, and glottalization. Position was included because the correlates of phonemic glottalization are sometimes confounded with those of prosodic position. The effect of position is not significant, and neither is the interaction, this durational difference confirms the auditory analysis.Additional Files
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