The evolution of an acoustic homing system for underwater vehicles
Underwater acoustics, Arctic ocean, Homing system, Source level, System miniaturization, Underwater vehiclesAbstract
The initial testing of the homing concept, the Explorer version of the Long-Range Acoustic Bearing (LRAB), and a new first-stage of system miniaturization that will allow the homing device to be used in medium-sized Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV), is described. The CTA was built with PVC tubes and plate and was lowered to mid-water depth, while a portable source was moved to a number of different locations around the central location of the CTA. Data were collected for various frequencies, source levels, and source depths. The results of acoustic homing under the ice in the Arctic Ocean near the Sever Spur during spring 2010 were collected. The AUV activated the homing mode when it was expected to be within 50 km of an ice camp that was drifting freely. The abrupt course change at 'Homing Start' is a consequence of the unknown camp drift.Additional Files
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