Accurate modeling of the structure of the acoustic field radiated by a submerged cylindrical shell responding to an external pulse
Acoustic fields, Computer simulation, Cylinders (shapes), Accurate modeling, Acoustic pressures, Circular cylindrical shells, Cylindrical shell, Dynamic boundary conditions, K-l model, Reissner-Mindlin theory, Steel shells, Stress stateAbstract
Accurate modeling of the structure of the acoustic field radiated by a submerged cylinderical shell responding to an external pulse is presented. A thin evacuated elastic circular cylindrical shell submerged into fluid is considered and it is modeled using the Reissner-Mindlin theory of shells. A steel shell is considered with the thickness of 0.03 m and the radius of 1 m, submerged into water. The fluids and the shell are coupled through the dynamic boundary condition on the interface. The results show that simulations of the stress state of the shell based on RM model take only 13% longer than those based on the KL model. Simulated time-histories of the acoustic pressure were evaluated at several points of the fluid to the available experimental time-histories for similar systems, and a very good match for the the waves is observed.Additional Files
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