Sensitivity of Bellhop intensity to uncertainty in sound speed


  • Diana Flory McCammon McCammon Acoustical Consulting Maritime Way Scientific
  • Sean Pecknold DRDC Atlantic Research Centre


The incoherent acoustic intensity from the Bellhop Gaussian Beam algorithm is dependent upon a beamwidth factor obtained by the integration of a second pair of differential equations along the ray path.  This factor can be expressed in closed form for linear constant gradient sound speed profiles.  To study the sensitivity of the Gaussian beam solution to the sound speed profile, we take the derivative of the intensity with respect to c.  Examples of these intensity derivatives are presented for different scenarios.  These full fie;d plots show that the regions of high derivative coincide with the regions of high intensity and they are largest whenever the uncertainty is found in the two SSP points bracketing the source.

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How to Cite

McCammon DF, Pecknold S. Sensitivity of Bellhop intensity to uncertainty in sound speed. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 2015 Aug. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];43(3). Available from:



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