Investigation of Flanking Noise Transmission into a Reverberation Room
Testing facilities such as reverberation rooms or anechoic chambers are prone to flanking noise transmission problems. In this work, detailed characterisation of flanking noise transmission into an industrial reverberation room is presented. Combination of acoustic mapping technique and structural vibrations measurements were performed in order to detect the cause of flanking noise transmission. The industrial reverberation room under consideration is located within a manufacturing facility hence, the measurements were performed in two scenarios; namely, when the facility was operating and when the facility was not operating. One-third octave analysis show that some of the low frequency bands are leaking into the reverberation room. It is revealed that the flanking noise is emanating from structural vibrations. Several countermeasures to reduce the flanking noise issue were investigated. Field measurements are performed after the developed mitigation technique is implemented and the results show that the flanking noise transmission into the reverberation room is significantly reduced in the targeted frequency bands.
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