Mini-Wind Turbine Noise Measured Inside Near-by Houses


  • Gino Iannace
  • Umberto Berardi
  • Giuseppe Ciaburro
  • Dario D'Orazio
  • Amelia Trematerra


In this paper the results of noise measurements generated by the operation of 200 kW mini wind turbine, carried out inside a home are reported. The number of wind turbines with a lower eclectic power increases significantly due to the necessary administrative simplification, and for the economy of the investment. This involves the installation of numerous wind turbines also near houses. One of the biggest impact problems is the noise pollution produced by the rotation of the blades. Acoustic measurements were performed in a home, with open windows, condition of maximum noise disturbance. When the wind tower is in operation, a noise level of about 45 dBA has been measured. This condition generates annoyance to the people living in the house. Furthermore, an assessment of the noise generated by the operation of a mini wind tower was carried out, applying the ISO 9613 standard; the theoretical sound pressure level underestimates the value measured.

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How to Cite

Iannace G, Berardi U, Ciaburro G, D’Orazio D, Trematerra A. Mini-Wind Turbine Noise Measured Inside Near-by Houses. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 7 [cited 2024 Sep. 26];48(3):18-20. Available from:



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