Study, by reflection, of input impedance under oblique incidence of slotted acoustic screen
noise abatement, acoustic noise, input impedance, oblique incidence, slotted acoustic screen, phase reversal sound barrier, slitted waveguides, phase reversal barrier, complex sound pressureAbstract
A new type of phase reversal sound barrier composed of slitted waveguides has shown remarkable noise control properties in low frequency for a plane wave at normal incidence. In order to assess the overall performance (e.g. ground effect, variable source position, etc.) it was necessary to study the effect for obliquely-incident sound wave. Two methods based on reflexion measurements at oblique incidence were applied to study the input impedance of a phase reversal barrier. The first one, successfully used by Klein and Cops (1980), is a stationary wave method derived from that of the impedance tube. The second method presented by Ingard and Bolt (1951), consists of measurements of the complex sound pressure at a point of the sample surface. The results of the study show almost no angular dependence of the system input impedance (locally reacting system within ±40°) in the vertical plane (perpendicular to the slits). On the contrary, in a horizontal plane (parallel to the slits), this angular dependence becomes appreciably strongerAdditional Files
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